Welcome to

ABBA's Embrace Foundation

Our mission is to strengthen leadership in families and give them hope and opportunities they need to flourish. The backbone of any thriving nation is a strong nuclear family. Our organization is committed to empowering families to grow stronger financially, spiritually, and structurally, ensuring a brighter, more connected future for all.

Fatherhood Program

By promoting strong father-child relationships and improving communication and co-parenting skills, we can create a nurturing environment.

Financial Leadership Program (On Hold)

Let's empower families with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve financial stability and build a brighter future together.

Volunteer Opportunities

Contact us for some volunteer opportunities that you might find fulfilling!

Mission Statement

To put an end to the destruction that is caused by divided households in America. We are here to supply families with opportunities to expand their horizons financially, spiritually, and structurally.


A community where everyone has access to safe housing, financial stability, nourishing food, and the tools to thrive as young parents. To create a ripple effect of hope and transformation that will permeate through generations.

About Us

Growing up in an unstable environment, I struggled immensely as a young wife and mother. Throughout my career, I have spoken to hundreds of men and women facing the same challenges. Finding God transformed my life, restoring my marriage, my relationship with my children, and my connection with my parents. Serving others has been a calling on my heart since childhood. By sharing powerful testimonies, leveraging the programs AEF offers, and keeping God at the center of everything, I believe we can begin to heal and support families from all walks of life and faith, both across the country and around the world. -Talya President

As someone who grew up in a fatherless home, I understand the turmoil and confusion it can cause. AEF’s mission to provide direction, vision, and purpose is the cure for men like myself who were deprived of the example of a complete and confident man. My goal is to help men and families find a sense of identity and purpose, endowed by their Creator, to put an end to fatherlessness one father at a time. This mission fills my heart with hope and determination, knowing we can create a brighter future for generations to come. -Zach Vice President

The programs will provide people with the tools and support they need, addressing gaps that many other nonprofits haven’t. Especially with the Fatherhood Initiative Program right here in our own community, I truly believe, deep in my heart, that countless lives will be positively impacted and transformed. They will be beautifully sprinkled with hope and dignity. - Susan Secretary

I believe that when God places a calling on your heart, it becomes your sacred duty to follow it. For me, I feel the Lord has called me to rescue families in need, and it is my mission to do everything within my power to make a positive difference in their lives. - MacKenzie Treasurer

As a single father, facing everyday life challenges has taught me the importance of being the best man I can be for my family. I truly believe the Fatherhood Program will provide the tools and support needed to help you become the best father you can be. My desire to help my community and support those in need has always been close to my heart. The Lord has blessed me with an amazing life and a wonderful son, and now I am grateful to be a part of Abba's mission. God bless everyone. - Alex Volunteer Coordinator

Understanding the foundation of AEF and its purpose resonates deeply with my beliefs as a father and a man. I truly believe the heart of this foundation thrives from the love of ABBA. Having experienced the ups and downs of fatherhood, I know that the resources currently offered, as well as those to come, will help other fathers, men, and families reconcile and restore the family foundation. This mission fills my heart with hope and faith, knowing we can make a meaningful difference together. - Richard Public Relations

Growing up, I watched my mother constantly volunteering. When I asked her why she did it, she told me she wanted to help others the way she was helped. Her dedication to service inspired me deeply. From a young age, I found joy in helping people, and I have always felt a calling to make a positive difference in others' lives.In my own family, I've witnessed firsthand the incredible things a strong, supportive family can achieve. This experience has fueled my passion to help others build and maintain such solid foundations.As an adult, I've faced my own challenges and struggles. I know how vital support and guidance can be. Seeing families thrive and grow stronger together brings me immense joy and fulfillment. This is why I am so committed to facilitating programs and initiatives that empower and uplift families, helping them reach their full potential.The Fatherhood Initiative Program and other resources AEF provides are instrumental in making this vision a reality. I believe that with the power of shared experiences, the strength of community, and keeping God at the center of our efforts, we can create lasting change.I am so excited to see what we can accomplish together. With God’s love and guidance, we can help families from all walks of life and faith across the country and around the world. The Lord has blessed me with an amazing life and wonderful opportunities, and now I am blessed to be a part of this incredible mission. God bless everyone on this journey with us.- Gaby Public Information Officer

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